Selected Workshops and Trainings

Workshops can help elevate your team’s communication skills, strengthen company culture, and improve teamwork. All of my workshops are highly interactive, with hands-on attention and feedback from me. Below is a sample of my current offerings. I’m always happy to customize something to fit your team’s needs.

Leading with Intent: Getting the Outcomes You Want + Minimizing Miscommunication

We spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to get others to think, feel, or do what we hope they will. But we’re more likely to get the outcomes we want, minimize miscommunication and misinterpretation, and elevate our leadership presence if we can get clear about what we want our outcomes to be — whether it’s in a meeting, a conversation, an email, or a post — and get comfortable with articulating that Intent to others.

In this workshop, we’ll help you get clear on what you want from each instance of your communication, and how to articulate that clearly up front to set you up for better collaboration, more direct problem-solving, and a better sense of your own priorities.

Preparing for the Unpreparable: Mastering Impromptu Speaking

It’s inevitable: in a meeting, during a Q&A or at a review, or simply walking down the hallway, someone’s going to put you on the spot. Maybe you’re unprepared. Maybe you’re prepared, but nerves get in the way of answering clearly. In this workshop, we’ll discuss how to master your nerves, quickly develop a point of view, and speak confidently and concisely in impromptu situations.

We’ll cover:

  • Preparing for the unpreparable: setting yourself up to speak confidently on the spot

  • Audience awareness and connection

  • Developing clear, memorable content

  • Delivering ideas concisely

  • Troubleshooting pitfalls (topics often include concerns like sharing credit for ideas, adding to new points, disagreeing collaboratively, how to say “I don’t know,” and overcoming ego)

  • Overcoming nerves

Write to Persuade and Connect: Become a Faster, More Impactful Writer & Editor

Your writing precedes you into the room and makes an impact after you’re gone, so let it represent your most concise, audience-driven point of view. This workshop will help you to streamline your writing process to develop sharper content, enabling you to connect with audiences without spending all day at your computer. We’ll also cover how to edit your own work for concision and maximum impact.

Participants in this workshop may submit an email or post to me for offline review and feedback.

Storytelling for Leadership

What’s the difference between an anecdote and a story? A story charts a change, and it tells the listener why the takeaway matters. In this highly interactive workshop, we’ll cover everything from what makes a story compelling to how to deliver it in an engaging, comfortable way. You’ll leave with a story bank based on your own experiences that you can draw on in a variety of settings.

Building Leadership Presence and Charisma

The good news is that you already have presence and charisma—you wouldn’t be where you are without them. The challenge comes when we want to communicate our most authentic, memorable selves consistently, across multiple settings. In this workshop, we’ll break down the elements that characterize your ideal leadership style, then practice actionable strategies to help you present that style to the world.

Navigating Difficult Conversations

This workshop focuses on the active listening skills that will guide you through the most difficult of conversations in the workplace. We’ll practice direct, clear communication; handling pushback; how to begin and end a difficult message; and troubleshoot for the most common pitfalls in uncomfortable discussions.

Presentation Skills

We’ll cover everything from generating memorable, audience-driven content to creating a lean, snappy slide deck and nailing your delivery. Paying special attention to authentic presentation and preparing for the unpreparable element of Q&A, this workshop will help you feel confident in sharing presentations that make a memorable impact.